Business Public Relations Group has taken positive action to minimise the impact of our business operations on the environment.
Environmentally friendly policies we have implemented include:
- do not print documents – view on screen instead!
- if the document absolutely needs to be printed, print double sided
- use recycled paper in printers and copiers
- recycle all waste paper.
- where possible, store documents electronically
- minimise hard copy storage and management
- tag line on e-mail signatures, “Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.”
- tag line in electronic document footer follower, “Please consider the environment before printing this document.”
- use natural light when possible
- energy efficient light bulbs installed in office.
- computers and network devices set to power down automatically after a period of inactivity
- turn off computers at night
- recycle printer cartridges.
- use E10 fuel in company vehicles.
- support suppliers that also take steps to minimise their impact on the environment (suppliers must still be competitive).
We believe that these simple and practical initiatives will help to minimise our impact on the environment. It makes good business sense too.
Rohan Exton